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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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Special Educational Needs & Disability

We are an inclusive school and comply fully with the national Code of Practice covering provision for children with special educational needs.  Our local special educational need offer is set out in the statement below.  We identify children as having special educational needs if they have difficulty with some aspects of school life and as a result require some kind of additional support or resources.

We believe that:

· our school will have children who, at some time or other in their school life, will have some form of special educational needs

· all teachers need to be able to provide a differentiated curriculum for a range of abilities

· there should be a whole school approach to special educational needs with the staff working together for the benefit of all children

· children with special educational needs should be integrated into the life of the school as fully as possible

· there should be close consultation and partnership with parents of the children with special educational needs

· the policy and practice promoted in the school must have regard to the ‘Code of Practice on the Identification of Special Educational Needs’ published by the Department for Education (DFE)

 We aim to provide access to the whole curriculum for all children and recognise that this will require support for staff to develop appropriate strategies and resources as well as support for individual children.  Disabled access is available throughout the school.

For more information about our SEN provision, please contact the SEN Co-ordinators (SENCOs) Lucy Morgan and Lottie Higgins on 0115 9179226 or email Click on the links below for more information.



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