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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

  • Sitemap
  • Text Only Version
  • "Behaviour in lessons and around school is impressive. Pupils in all year groups have highly positive attitudes to learning. Pupils are kind and respectful to each other and to adults."


Competiton Intent

Identifying a Positive Experience

Selection of young people taking part in competitions is a crucial step in the process. Find competition experiences that best suit your target group’s current levels of motivation, confidence and competence, whilst providing tailored support to prepare them for the competition they are working towards.

At BHPS, we take the following two approaches 

Intra – competition taking place within school with teachers they already have a relationship with and in an environment, they are used to can help to alleviate anxieties and raise confidence.

Inter – competition with other schools can create opportunities to build on social development and bring pride in representing your school.


Recruit and communicate

We select pupils using a number of ways.

High attendance at extra-curricular clubs - we do take into consideration those pupils who are unable to attend due to other committements. 

High ability or physical competence 

Pupil interest


Demonstrating positive behaviour 

Randomly generated selection

Targeted recruitment

Purposeful preparation

Before attending sports competition, where possible at BHPS we ensure young people have:

Connected with teammates

Are familiar with the rules

Know the format

Know who else will be there

Have been given information about the experience

Had a mock experience

 Planned for different scenarios

 Seen a video of the venue


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