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Bramcote Hills Primary School

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Online Safety

The safety of our children is of paramount importance to us, and we are acutely aware of the ever-increasing need to educate our pupils about staying safe online. In partnership with the National Online Safety project, we have a comprehensive scheme of learning that we deliver throughout school to reflect the continually changing world of technology.

National Online Safety has also produced some useful parent information leaflets, covering a range of topics, which you can access by clicking on the links below.

Below is a link to this week's #wakeupwednesday parent guide.


10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Online-trolling 

This free guide explores the phenomenon of online trolling, detailing its risks and letting you know how to safeguard children from this harmful behaviour.

The term “trolling” refers to sending hurtful or provocative comments – often done anonymously online – to provoke a reaction or cause emotional distress. Anonymity can embolden people into saying things they wouldn’t dare say in person. Euro 2024 and other tournaments tend to put an emphasis on this, with the abuse of both players and fans often increasing during such events. 

This free guide explores the phenomenon of online trolling, detailing its risks and letting you know how to safeguard children from this harmful behaviour. 

Some people online simply get a kick out of hurting people’s feelings, making it their mission to get a rise out of anyone they encounter. These people – known as “trolls” – are known for intentionally engaging in offensive or abusive behaviour to upset others online or provoke them into sinking to their level. At the height of events such as Euro 2024, when rivalries between various supporters reach an apex, trolling tends to see a bit of an uptick. 

Unfortunately, while “just ignore them” is genuinely good advice, it can prove very difficult to put into practice. This is especially true for children and young people, who are often still learning how to manage their emotions and sometimes react impulsively to name-calling and other mistreatment. This Wake up Wednesday, however, we’re offering expert guidance on how to keep youngsters safe from online trolling – both avoiding it entirely and responding to it effectively.



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