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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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  • "Behaviour in lessons and around school is impressive. Pupils in all year groups have highly positive attitudes to learning. Pupils are kind and respectful to each other and to adults."


The 4Rs

Metacognition is about learning how to be a better learner. Research shows that children who understand how they learn and who can take responsibility for their own learning, have a higher chance of achieving. By allowing children to use a metacognitive approach we are providing them with the opportunity to challenge themselves, increase resilience and therefore raise their aspirations and self-esteem. Metacognition is not additional material but is incorporated within everyday teaching and learning at BHPS.

Learning Powers

As a school, we have identified four learning dispositions or ‘powers’ which allow us to develop a common language for learning across school. The language is used in all classrooms with all children.

The idea is that the four dispositions (The 4 RsResilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity) are like a group of ‘learning muscles’. Just as we can build our physical muscles with the right kind of exercise, learning muscles can also be developed and can grow in strength and stamina. At BHPS, we have developed these dispositions further, using characters to embody each one:

Resilient Rhino 


Resourceful Squirrel



Reflective Owl



Reciprocal Ants



Click on the documents below to learn about the attributes of effective learners.


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