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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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We believe that every child can make good choices about their behaviour and, in our school, the vast majority do so every day.

We have high expectations of children’s behaviour and we have a clear framework in place to ensure that our standards remain high.

It is important that our Behaviour Code is clear and well known by children, staff and parents.

Introducing the ‘3 Rs’

  • Responsibilities
  • Rights
  • Rules

The Responsibilities, Rights and Rules apply at all times and in all places during the school day:

  • in lessons, at play-times and at going-home time.
  • with teachers, children, support staff and midday supervisors

As a member of Bramcote Hills Primary School you have a Responsibility:

  • to let others get on with their work and play
  • to work to the best of your ability
  • to respect and care for others
  • to listen and respond thoughtfully when being spoken to
  • to be honest and truthful at all times
  • to show care and consideration for the environment
  • to tell a member of staff if you see or hear about someone being treated unkindly

As a member of Bramcote Hills Primary School you have a Right:

  • to get on with your work and play
  • to be yourself and proud of your achievements
  • to be treated fairly and with consideration
  • to express your views and know you will be listened to
  • to feel happy, safe and confident
  • to have clean and tidy surroundings
  • to tell a member or staff if someone or something is causing your problems

As a member of Bramcote Hills Primary School, you are expected to follow our Rules:

  • Follow instructions first time
  • Speak kindly and politely
  • Always show good manners
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • Walk quietly in school

Click on the link below to access our Behaviour Policy.


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