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Bramcote Hills Primary School

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Remote Education Provision

What is remote education?

Remote education in a primary school setting involves delivering educational content and instruction to young students through digital platforms and other non-traditional means, rather than in a physical classroom

Attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including for their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances.

Remote education should not be viewed as an equal alternative to attendance in school. This type of provision will only be implemented as a last resort when the alternative would be no education, and only after it has been established that the pupil is, or will be, absent from school. In such cases, remote education can have the benefit of allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers.

Scenarios where remote education could be considered

Circumstances where it might not be possible for pupils to receive in person education fit into 2 broad categories:

  • school closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted
  • individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to learn
  1. School closures or restrictions on attendance

Every effort will be made to ensure pupils can be taught in person by attending their school or if appropriate and possible, attending a safe alternative site.

After exploring all options to ensure the school remains open to all pupils, it may still be some exceptional occasions when school leaders or the local authority decide it is not possible to open safely, or where opening would contradict guidance from local or central government. If restricting attendance for pupils is the only viable option, we would consider providing remote education to help pupils stay on track with the education they would normally receive.

At BHPS we have a plan for remote education which outlines procedures for teachers, parents, carers and pupils. This plan would be implemented during emergency closures where the decision to close can often be made at short notice. In providing such provision, the school would consult DfE emergency planning guidance in the event of school closures or restrictions on attendance.

  1. Individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to learn

There would only be limited circumstances where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able and well enough to continue their education remotely. These circumstances should only involve a short-term absence and might include pupils:

  • recovering from short- term infectious illnesses
  • preparing for or recovering from some operations
  • recovering from injuries where attendance might inhibit recovery

In some exceptional cases, these circumstances might also include pupils whose attendance has been affected by a special educational need or disability (SEND) or a mental health issue. In these circumstances, after the pupil’s absence from school has been established, school will consider providing pupils with remote education on a case-by-case basis. This would be part of a plan to reintegrate back to school, and only when it is judged that providing remote education would not adversely affect the pupil’s return to school.

Bramcote Hills Primary School

Remote Education Provision - Pupil and Parents’ Guide

The information below sets out our intention for provision that will be made for children who are having to work remotely from school. This is a plan and is, naturally, subject to change should other factors have an impact.

The plan deals with two scenarios/levels:

  1. Short-term individual pupil absence
  2. Total school closure

There is an expectation that all children will complete work remotely when not in school.


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