Competition Intent
Competition is an emotive word, it can trigger feelings of dread, excitement and many other emotions in all of us but it doesn't have to be that way. Competition can occur when you are striving towards a goal by yourself, with or against others. Learning not to fear it, to thrive in it and accurately reflect on it is crucial to flourishing in life.
At BHPS, we focus on the following:
- The young person’s motivation, competence and confidence are at the centre of the competition.
- The focus is on the process rather than the outcome (on the learning and values development of the young person rather than the result).
Road to Competition
At BHPS, we follow this framework.
1. Selection: Think about your young people first – who in your school needs the benefits of competition the most to support their personal development? This involves understanding the motivations for taking part that young people have before you enter or create competitive opportunities that meet their needs.
2. Preparation: Preparing young people to be competition ready – a competition is much more than an isolated event. Ensuring time is spent building confidence and knowledge as well as developing physical competence will help young people to thrive and grow in competitive situations.
3. Supporting a positive experience: Through creating a supportive environment that focuses on the process as opposed to final standings or who lifts the trophy, teachers, parents and peers can help a young person to understand and perceive an experience to be positive or negative